About This Hosting Business…
What is Hosting?
In order for your Website to be seen by others you need to have a hosting provider. These providers maintain the infrastructure necessary to hold your website files and make them accessible to the internet 24/7. Not all hosting companies are alike. Let Equine Online Design help you select Quality Hosting. Your website needs to start with a strong foundation and quality hosting is the bedrock you need to build on.
Hosting is a separate service from Website Design and Development.
Equine Online Design can arrange hosting for your site through a reputable third-party hosting company we’ve used for years, so you don’t have to deal with the hassle of this task. But of course, you can always set up your own hosting with a company of your own choice.
We help you set up your hosting account and other important aspects of your hosting like; the email accounts you may need, implementing email forwarding, giving you written instruction on how to set up your MS Outlook or Thunderbird email client with your new accounts, and showing you how to access your email accounts from the office or on the road. We make sure everything runs smoothly with your site. If a problem comes up we attend to it immediately or work on your behalf with the hosting service provider!
If you prefer to make arrangements for your own hosting we highly recommend that you use only top hosting service providers – those that are rated highly. Generally these companies have the best hosting package offers, availability of many applications to enhance your site, an easy-to-use cpanel interface, several email client options and good professional customer service.
Hosting Account VS Domain Names
Your domain name (ex. www.YourBusiness.com) can be located with a provider that is different from where your hosting account may be located. This is not uncommon. Many people will have their domain names with a service such as GoDaddy and their hosting account, which is where their actual website files reside, with a different provider such as InMotion Hosting.
Hosting: The more you know the better your decision
Choosing your hosting company is an important part of your website package. Often your web designer will recommend a company. Be a good consumer and make sure the company is reputable. Google reviews and forums where you can read other’s experience with the company. And above all else, DO NOT let your web designer host your website on their personal servers or as a sub-domain of their own site. Your hosting and your web designer should be exclusive from each other…so you don’t end up “married” to your web designer!
Don’t gamble on your web hosting service.
Don’t wait any longer. A website is a MUST HAVE for any business looking to grow and prosper.
Today, websites are as crucial as having a business card.
Your business does not exist to a major segment of your market unless you have a website.